Purchase sungold cherry tomatos in our Amazon Store. Amazon ASIN B09RW6572V.
Best Taste Cherry Tomato Seeds for Planting-Orange Sun Gold.Non GMO Garden Seeds for Planting Vegetables Seeds at Home Vegetable Garden and Hydroponics Seed Pods:10ct Sungold Cherry Tomato Plant Seeds.
65 days. Sungold’s fruity or tropical flavor is a big hit with everyone who tastes it. Sun Gold wins many taste test because in addition to being very sweet tasting it has a fruity/winey/tropical flavor. It’s gold color also attracts fewer birds than red varieties. Also it appear almost impervious to cracking.
The bright apricot-orange round globes are 1 ¼ inches across and are borne on long, 10–15 fruit, grape-like trusses.
The standard of excellence for the sweetest, best-flavored cherry tomato. Extra early, golden-orange, mouth-watering, super sweet fruits are about 1/2 to 1-inch across, thin-skinned and juicy-sweet. Holds well on vigorous vines. Indeterminate. F 1–2, TMV, V.
Sun Gold are our go to cherry tomato. They have never failed to produce large quantities of delicious goodness and the first to ripen.
Sungold tomatoes grow on indeterminate vines that typically reach 3 to 5′ tall during the growing season. Using a stake or tomato cage can help ensure there is enough airflow to keep the plant healthy and will keep the fruit up off the ground.
The golden orange cherry tomatoes will appear in clusters of 10 to 20 fruits. An excellent choice for growing in containers.
Sungold tomato seeds should be started indoors 6 to 8 weeks before they are transplanted outside after the threat of frost has passed. Be sure to harden off the cherry tomato seedlings before transplanting, as the leaves can be quite sensitive to sun scald. Can be used as hydroponic seeds.
*Vegetable seeds grown in the USA. Indeterminate hybrid vegetable seeds for planting vegetables and fruits. Non GMO seeds. Remarkable super-sweet flavor and quite disease resistant. These plants survived and continued to bear fruit until frost.
*Sungold tomato seeds should be started indoors 6 to 8 weeks before they are transplanted outside after the threat of frost has passed. Be sure to harden off the cherry tomato seedlings before transplanting, as the leaves can be quite sensitive to sun scald.
*Indeterminate vines need support. Will produce until the first frost.
* Garden vegetable seed Depth: 1/4″. Can be used as seeds for hydroponic garden indoor. Seed spacing: 36″
*Germination Temperature: 70-80°F. Germination Rate: 98%. Test Date: Sep, 2023
*Same as pumpkin seeds for planting, cucumber seeds for planting, cherry and grape tomatoes seeds are considered warm weather summer vegetable seeds. We also carry winter vegetable seeds like JiMaoCai, TongHao etc
*The standard of excellence for the sweetest, best-flavored cherry tomato.
*65 days. Sungold’s fruity or tropical flavor is a big hit with everyone who tastes it. Sun Gold wins many taste test because in addition to being very sweet tasting it has a fruity/winey/tropical flavor. It’s gold color also attracts fewer birds than red varieties. Also it appear almost impervious to cracking.
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