Please read How to make hair bows’ 4 loops even if you haven’t.
Below are 2 folding techniques. a) is for basic bow and b) is for boutique bow. It’s hard to tell what go over what when it is all folded together. So first time for practice, please use a pen to write those letters on the ribbon. Both side please. For example, write ‘Y’ as in picture, then flip the ribbon and write ‘Y’ on the other side (at the same point).
a) Basic hair bow folding. Take your template ribbon, bring X up and put X on top of D, then bring C up, on top of X. Bring E down, under D. Bring Y up, on top of C. I also use this technique to make the butterfly and dragonfly wings. Below is the picture of a finished basic hair bow.
X up, on top of D | C up, on top of X. Fold E down, under A |
move E until under D | back view |
Y up, on top of C | back view |
b) Boutique Hair Bow folding. Take your template ribbon, bring X up and put X on top of D, then bring C up, on top of X. Bring E down, between C and X. Bring Y up, on top of C. Below is a finished boutique bow.
Or check out the 2-layer-bow instruction–same folding method: How To Make 2-Layer Boutique Hairbow/Hair Bow Instruction-Part 1
X up, on top of D | C up, on top of X; E down, on top of A |
move E until between C and X | back view |
Y up, on top of C | back view |
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