If your project calls for grosgrain ribbon, satin ribbon, sheer
ribbon, fold over elastic, you need to seal the ribbon ends
otherwise it will fray. Here are several ways to seal ribbon or trim
1. Use fray check. When I was a hairbow rookie, I used to cut ribbon
first and then apply fray check. Now I apply fray check (generously)
first and then cut (not suitable for V-cut)–much faster. Just wet
the ribbon at where you are going to cut first. If you need to seal
huge amount of ribbon ends, pure fray check to a bowl, cut the
ribbon, and dip the ribbon end into fray check.
2. Use the heat seal tool: thread burner. The tool was designed for
sealing polyester thread. It’s not good at handling large amount of
ribbon sealing. Use it if you already have it handy and only want to
make a couple of bows.
3. Use the wood burning tool+metal ruler+metal pan (all can be
purchased at Walmart). Put the ribbon on the pan, use ruler as
guide, cut and seal in a single step. V-cut? Use the angle ruler
such as cutting edge ruler from NoBowNoGo.
4. Use lighter. Hold the lighter steady, take the ribbon end near
the flame and move. Just need some practice to not over-burn.
5. When you cook, use the stove flame. Hold the ribbon and swipe it
near the flame, just like swiping credit card through machine. The
edge seals like magic.
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